


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

What You May Have Missed on Tech in the Past Week

These past few weeks, new technology has been released to the public. Most notably is Apple's new iOS 9, which includes features like an all new app switcher, a battery conservation mode, new ways to navigate in the Photos app, the Music app responding to plugging in your earbuds, and the new and improved 'Hey Siri' function, to name a few. iOS 9 was released Wednesday of last week, and already 35% of Apple users have installed it on their various devices. Also, after a few months the Chromecast team at Google has leaked some information about the new Chromecast 2, a 'streaming dongle' which brings talk of improved wifi, which could be a game changer for households. These are two very popular, trending topics on technology of the week. To find out more visit

About the Admin

I'm Beth Machado, and am the admin of this blog. This blog is an unofficial branch off of my brand CreativeProjectiles, and will be primarily used for the business class I am enrolled in for this semester of school. I am currently in my sophomore year of high school and am taking Exploring Computer Science for the semester to expand on my computer knowledge and to develop new skills promised in the course such as coding and creating applications. Here are some essential things to know about my character: I have an affinity for all animals, but like cats and snakes in particular. My favorite movie is Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas, and so you don't make the mistake now, once you bring it up, I won't stop talking about it. It is a movie I am very passionate about, and for some reason I have an entire arsenal of information about it stored in my head that will never need to be used ever. I am also a well-rounded artist. I draw, do graphic design work for my job, take photographs, write short stories and dance. A word most would use to describe me is strange, which is something I take pride in.My biggest desire in life is to find a job and lifestyle that doesn't bore me to death.